The Trip

Hi People,

I arrived in Warsaw yesterday and will write something about this nice city later.

But now to an interesting question: Ever thought about doing “THE Trip”?

So what do I mean with THE Trip. I mean a Trip through different countries which you most probably do only once in your live. A Trip with an either unlimited duration or which takes you at least around 1 year away from home.

Many Couchsurfers I’ve met till now, either have already done such a long trip or are currently doing it or plan to do it someday. Some even sold all their stuff, rented or sold their apartment and go to a trip around the world.

My opinion is, that this is an experience you only could get once in your life. Seeing so many Countries, ways of life and meeting many people changes yourself.

I’m not sure yet if I would want to do such a trip. I want to wait till the end of my 4 Week Poland & Czech Republic Trip, but the thought of it is very tempting. 🙂

So give this question some thougts and maybe write some comment.

4 Replies to “The Trip”

  1. Hy Stefan!

    I´m very happy about this blogg. I will read all of your traveling, and I hope you have a great time.

    Where are the pic from the first day?? 🙂

    lg eli

  2. Hi Eli,

    Pictures will need a little bit longer till they show up here, didn’t had time to look at a Gallery plugin before my trip (shame on me 🙂 ).
    I think I will upload them to a flickr account, but therfore I need to compress them somewhere 🙂

    So only stories for the moment.


  3. Hii Stefan!

    Nice to read that you are enjoying your trip – are you going to visit Martyna?

    You are posing interesting questions.
    Funny that it also came to my mind recently.
    I’m sure you know – there is this travel ticket called “around the world” where you can take 30 or something flights – but only within one direction (never back).
    If you have asked me to do this 2 years ago – I would have said – well let me finish my courses … then I’ll join you. But now … I don’t know. I think I’m harder to convince now I would love to go a cute, nice place somewhere and stay there for a longer time. Yeah, I really could cope with that 🙂 … But nomading around isn’t tempting for me at all right now. I hope that doesn’t me I’m getting old *gg* …. but I’ve got this strong feeling – that this is because I got only 4 days off from work within the last years – and the next bigger holiday will be next sommer… puh…. So maybe I’ll change my plans by then 😉
    So have a good trip … looking forward to read from you 🙂


  4. Hey Sylve,
    yeah I’m enjoying my trip … through Vienna. Read the Year, this entry is one year old.

    About nomadic life: At the beginning of this year I was really tempted to leave everything behind and go somewhere for a longer period of time. But I decided for the comfort in Vienna and so I’m only making smaller trips.

    But probably when I’m studying one day I could study abroad for a semester or so? Or after studying make a really long trip? Who knows 😉

    I hope that you can look forward to more entries, but mostly not about my trip (especially not my Poland Trip, already over 1 year 🙂 )


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